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Discover the wide range of volunteer opportunities at Family Promise – from serving meals, to providing financial literacy training, to assisting with fundraising events. There is something for everyone!
Volunteers play an essential role in helping families experiencing homelessness attain sustainable
Hosting Weeks
Family Promise of Montgomery County partners with local congregations and corporations to provide meals and overnight hosting to our families. We are in need of volunteers who will help prepare meals and deliver them to our families as well as overnight Hosts in our Guest Center.
What do you do?
Grocery shop for the meal
Prepare the meal at home
Deliver the meal, including drinks to the Guest Center by 6pm
Family Promise of Montgomery County serves up to Six (6) families at one time: max of 20 individuals. Volunteers can partner with their church, co-workers, neighbors, or friends and family to prepare a meal for all families. We would inform you of the exact number of families and ages of the children, so you know how much food to provide. Family Promise Guest Center has a dining area, so our families are able to meet you and eat dinner together. Volunteers are not only welcome to dine with our families but are also encouraged to bring their children as this is a family-friendly volunteer opportunity.

“Each time we make room for strangers, we chip away at the fear and isolation and heartbreak in our world. We also get to participate in something that is life giving, both to us and the people we welcome.”